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Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India


Mt. Everest North Side Expedition

Mt. Everest North Side Expedition

Duration (in Days)



8,848 m




Camping, Lodges

4499/- per person


Mount Everest, rising 8,848m (29,028ft) above sea level reigns as the highest mountain on Earth. For decades summiting Everest has been considered one of the greatest mountaineering achievements. In the spring of each year, we embrace this intense challenge by taking a group of qualified climbers to climb Mt. Everest via the North Col route of Tibet. We will follow the famous climbing route of Mallory establishing 4 high camps alone with advanced base camp, interim camp and of course a relaxing base camp accommodation during the expedition.

Our Sherpas are highly qualified and experienced. All our Sherpas have had a high reputation with excellent success rates with the safety of the client as the number one priority. We are committed to providing you with the best quality of service and experience to help you reach your goal. However, all the climbing members will have had considerable climbing experience at higher altitudes, preferably in the Himalayas. Each climber will be aware of the inherent risks – bad weather, injury and death? Associated with climbing Mt. Everest and understand that the possibility of an actual summit is very slim. There will be a manager at base camp to assist the team and act as a liaison between climbers and the Sherpas. All members will be assisted by our high-quality Sherpas at the ratio of 1:1, most of whom have summit Everest numerous times.

Advance Base Camp (6400 meters)

As soon as the team will be at the Chinese base camp (5500 meters), you can see the already set up tents. You can stay at BC 4, 5 & 6 days depending on your physical fitness but during your stay at BC get prepared your personal climbing equipment & necessary clothes in order to take to the ABC. If the client feels OK, no problem with high altitude then the team should head to Advance base camp alone with the necessary no of yaks. We in charge of the expedition will prepare the required no of yaks. It will take 2 days from the BC to reach ABC. The first night you will have overnight rest at middle camp where we have permanent camping accommodation with necessary logistic arrangements like sleeping bag, sleeping mattress, foods & accommodation facilities. Next morning you can make a day trip to ABC (6400 meters). Advance base camp is the place where expedition members can spend most of the time of the expedition. During their stay at ABC, clients can gain more acclimatized & able to make trips to the higher camps.

Camp 1 (North Col) 7000 meter: Climbing sherpas will take the necessary food, drinks & tents etc. to the north col before client reach to the there. After spending a couple of nights at North Col, Expedition members will return to ABC or BC for rest & acclimatisation.

Camp 2 emergency camp (7500 meters): The Climbing Sherpa will carry the necessary loads to the 7500. Now clients should move to 7500 from ABC, first night at NC & next night to 7300 & morning back to ABC & tenting accommodation will be ready there. The client should spend a night at 7300 in order to be acclimatized. After spending a night the expedition member will back to ABC directly. Some members will back BC as well. The way from camp 2 to Camp 3 is rocky & terrain, but not so difficult. But sometimes, the speed of the wind will be the problem. From camp 2 to 3 is the main windy section.

Camp 3, 7700 meters: After passing the windy & rocky section, you will be at Camp 3 (7700 meters). Here again, sherpa takes the loads & set up the camps before the client reach there. Here again from ABC to NC on the first night, next night at 7700, next morning to up to 7900 & direct back to NC/ABC. Sherpa provides you with boiled water/tea/coffee & served the individual pack foods (High altitude food) in the high camps. Walking from camp 3 to 4, the route is mixed up like snow angle, rocky & some difficulty area as well. Here too the speedy wind will hit you. Clients should go up to 7700/7900 and had overnight for the acclimatized purpose.

Camp 4 (8300 meters): This is your last camp from where the summit attempt can be made. The team of Sherpas will take all the necessary loads to camp 4 including the required numbers of oxygen for the summit bit.

Summit attempt

After all the camps are established and all our supplies are in place, we return to Base Camp for a rest. At Base Camp, we will organize our summit teams and prepare ourselves for summit attempts. Taking a good rest & looking at the good weather summit window. The first night go for middle camp or direct to ABC, 2nd night go for Advance base camp & stay 2 nights or more to take good rest, 5th night go for North Col, 6th night go for 7700, day 7th go for 8300, the same night go for the summit attempt. Normally the summit attempt starts from the night time 9, 10 or 11 pm. So that you will be at the TOP next morning time. On the way to the summit you have to cross the 1st, 2nd & 3rd step then only you are able to stand at the & technical part before the summit attempt, you should be very careful about your full climbing gears, Oxygen & mask regulator set & in each step you must be careful yourself.

Once the climbers ascend the 3rd step, they slowly and laboriously proceed to the summit at 29,028 feet. The summit sits at the top of the world. Though not the closest place to the sun due to the earth’s curve, it is the highest peak on earth. Due to the decreased air pressure, the summit contains less than one-third of the oxygen at sea level. If dropped off on the summit directly from sea level (impossible in reality), a person would die within minutes. Typically, climbers achieving the great summit will take pictures, gain their composure, briefly enjoy the view, and then return to Camp IV as quickly as possible. The risk of staying at the summit and the exhaustion from achieving the summit is too great to permit climbers to fully enjoy the great accomplishment at that moment.

As most readers of this page know, the return trip can be even more dangerous than the climb to the summit.

A however successful attempt to the summit of Mt Everest, even your mission is not complete. You still have had challenges left to be done which is decent down to BC safely, probably you can decent to North col in the first night, then ABC, BC. Only at this stage, the mission of Mt Everest is complete. Packing the expedition stuffs then drive back to KTM.

As always, weather plays a major part in all actual summit attempts. We will try as many summit attempts as safely as possible as our goal is to put the maximum number of people on the summit. Guides and Sherpa will accompany all summit attempts and oxygen will be used.

Expedition Highlights

  • Climb with one among the top 5 Mountaineering expedition organizing companies in the Himalayas (30% of the total Everest expedition in the year 2010 was logistically organized by Arun Treks and 85% success-oriented that year with no tragic incidents)
  • Climb the world’s highest peak, Mt. Everest
  • Climb Mt. Everest from the North Ridge Normal route
  • Climb Mt Everest with experienced Sherpa Guides and climbing Sherpas, who have climbed Everest more than 10 times.
  • 7 days Scenic drive to some of the world’s highest motor-able roads in Tibet
  • Experience the unique culture of the Tibetan plateau and its people.
  • Expert & experienced Cooking Crews during the expedition
  • Nice, Friendly & Comfortable logistic arrangements
  • Best quality logistics throughout the expedition.
  • English speaking guide
  • Transport to and from Yuksom
  • All meals on the trek, including boiled water
  • Tents and mats
  • Cook and porters
  • Yaks/ponies for carrying tents and cooking equipment
  • All trekking permits, national park fees and camera fees
  • Our guide will carry a comprehensive medical kit including high altitude sickness tablets
  • Flights
  • Medical examination (if required) and vaccination costs
  • Visa costs
  • Personal expenditure i.e. soft drinks/beer on trek, extra snacks for the trek etc
  • Meals in Darjeeling before or after the trek
  • Travel insurance
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